Our Animals

Fowl Animal Sanctuary and Rescue

Help Support Our Animals

Dreamtime Animal Sanctuary as a non-profit organization is continually pursuing the funds necessary to serve and support our animals and their care. Your donation can make possible the continuation and expansion of care for our animals.


Grain and Hay

$250 per month per horse, $150 per month per donkey, and $85 per month per goat, sheep or pig


Worming, Flea, Tick Control

$25+ per animal per month


Veterinary Care

Vet care for sick animals typically ranges from $150 to $1,500 per animal per illness


Annual Vaccinations

Roughly $100-350 per animal per year


Property Maintenance

The upkeep of the sanctuary property, shelters, fencing, and equipment to foster the well-being and enrichment of the animals that we serve

**Please note: All costs are estimated. These are typical costs but go up and down based upon the market, how much each individual animal eats on a daily basis for their size, and nutritional needs.

Current Sanctuary Residents

  • 12 Horses
  • 12 Donkeys
  • 5 Sheep
  • 20 Goats
  • 6 Pigs
  • 24 Chickens
  • 6 Guinea Fowl
  • 5 Dogs
  • 15 Cats
  • 30+ Ducks
  • 2 Geese
  • 2 Turkeys
  • 4 Swans

Last Updated March 2022 

Mr. Chicken

I was initially drawn to Mr. Chicken when I noticed that he didn’t hang around or spend time with his kind (other...

Gus – Dreamtime’s Guardian Angel

I had the opportunity to spend time volunteering at Dreamtime and immediately felt an overwhelming sense of peace and...


How the most dangerous little mare I ever met gave this sanctuary its mission In the spring of 1997, I agreed to take...


Of all the animals at Dreamtime, a blind horse named Hope has found a special place in my heart. She lives up to her...


After a few Saturday’s volunteering at Dreamtime, I met Lolita, a beautiful horse and a bit of a loner, kind of like...

Romeo, Oh Romeo

My first day at the farm was made all the more amazing by Romeo.  I have never been around farm animals but have...

Pinky the Pig

An animal’s ability to let go of past difficulties is amazing. I’ve never met an animal that isn’t present in the...

Larry the Horse

When I think of my favorite resident at Dreamtime way too many animals come to mind. There's a very long list of...

Animal Sanctuary Gallery

Animals Past and Present

Get Involved

Find out how you can get involved with Dreamtime Animal Sanctuary in Elgin, Texas. Every hour volunteered and dollar donated helps keep our Animal Sanctuary running.
